Music Label, Distribution, Online Store

CD/DVD Duplication, Printing





ph. 718.296.8122

fax 718.296.8123

If you take your music seriously…we take you seriously!

-Ready to record your music?

-Ready to manufacture your music?

-Ready to have your music distributed and promoted?

-Ready to gig?

BLEUFUSE Marketing is for you!

Designed for the independent artist, BLEUFUSE offers you an affordable way to bring your music to the world.

By combining the I nternet with traditional in-store distribution and marketing, BLEUFUSE enables you, the independent artist, to have a stand out presence in the international music market.

We can record, manufacture, distribute and promote all within a simple framework. By being a one-stop shop, BLEUFUSE is able to offer multiple services you would use to bring your project to the next level.

How much would you be willing to invest in your career? You’d probably say you spent plenty already. However, consider this, Pearl Jam or Prince could get a major label deal tomorrow, but neither wants one. Have you ever wondered why?

The economics of the major label music industry create a mathematically impossible hurdle. With the tremendous expectations of stockholders and quarterly profits, major labels are more than likely not to take a chance on anything other than a sure thing. What’s been left out is the development of talented artists who would become that sure thing. There have been countless stories of artists who didn’t hit it the first time out, but were carried by their labels until they caught the brass ring. It is generally agreed that such situations do not exist today.

But, what if you could have a label work for you? And generate more income to you through fewer sales than any major label?

BLEUFUSE Marketing has created a manufacturing and distribution pipeline for you. With a fair share of CD sales, you will experience profitability sooner. Not only that, you will have a real “story” to tell about your CD release when and if you decide to shop your project to a major label. Not only will the labels pursue you, but now empowered with negotiating leverage, you will be able to secure a fairer deal – one that puts more dollars where they belong, in your pocket

So, come check us out. Let BLEUFUSE be the one to light the fire!

BLEUFUSE MARKETING – Where contact happens!